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My Black Friday Story

Yo Kai Watch Black Friday

Welcome to my Black Friday story!

So, we all know that Black Friday used to be exclusive for the U.S.A. but over the years this tradition has spread throughout the world, even reaching countries like mine in Europe. However, here, most stores fail to understand the concept of Black Friday. Instead of having one day with great sales they have an entire week of poor sales.

I was hyped for Black Friday because I thought I could get a good deal at a game, but instead, all the major stores went with the same deal of pay two and get an additional game free. I don't mind this sort of this deal but all I really wanted was one game and this didn't benefit me at all!

So, does this mean I didn't buy anything? Well, yes and no. I did buy Yo-Kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters at a lower price however it wasn't thanks to Black Friday. A couple weeks ago I found the game online 20% off and decided to purchase it. But, for some reason, the payment was not accepted and I didn't know why. I reached them out explaining my problem and they told me that there had been an error in their system and that I was free to order the game again. 

Yo Kai Watch Psychic Specters Box

I was going to do just that however, I noticed that despite still being 20% off the price had gone up! So, I sent them another e-mail saying that I'd like to buy the game but at the price they had before. Afterwards, I only got a couple automated e-mails saying that my situation was being analyzed. Only after an entire week did they replied. I had almost forgotten about it. 

Fortunately, they provided a good response. They apologized for the inconvenience and gave me a discount code so I could purchase the game at the previous price. However, this code had to be redeemed by the 28th. That is when I had the brilliant idea to buy the game during the Black Friday so I could get an even better deal! But as I said before there were no direct discounts so I had to buy the game with just the discount code.

And that is my Black Story! Despite it all, I am really happy with my new game. I 've been wanting to play another Yo-Kai Watch game for a while now and I'm having fun with it! I just hope there are better deals during Christmas and the New year time, maybe I'll snag myself a Nintendo Switch finally!

Yo Kai Watch Psychic Specters Game

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